Friday, November 30, 2007


JOE056, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.
Washed up on Central Street.


BOT041, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.
By the Transformer Family, UMIST.


BOT051, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.
Climbing a sculpture at UMIST.


BOT052, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.
On the UMIST cube sculpture.


BOT042, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.
On the Vimto sculpture.


BOT050, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.
Today is a big bot releasing day, as it would have been Andy's birthday.

Sharing a bath with Archimedes.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


BOT035, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.
Kendal in Westmoreland services.

In memory of Andy McCruden. To find out more about Andy read the obituaries on Spinneyhead and UK-Rag. To make a donation please go to the justgiving page set up to remember him.


BOT034, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.
Watford Gap services northbound, M1, enjoying a massage chair.

In memory of Andy McCruden. To find out more about Andy read the obituaries on Spinneyhead and UK-Rag. To make a donation please go to the justgiving page set up to remember him.

Monday, November 12, 2007


BOT036, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.
Alan Turing memorial, Sackville Park, Manchester.

In memory of Andy McCruden. To find out more about Andy read the obituaries on Spinneyhead and UK-Rag. To make a donation please go to the justgiving page set up to remember him.

Friday, November 9, 2007


Malky left JOE020 in Disneyland Paris.

In memory of Andy McCruden. To find out more about Andy read the obituaries on Spinneyhead and UK-Rag. To make a donation please go to the justgiving page set up to remember him.

Friday, November 2, 2007


JOE048, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.
On a bus stop near Atherton.

In memory of Andy McCruden. To find out more about Andy read the obituaries on Spinneyhead and UK-Rag. To make a donation please go to the justgiving page set up to remember him.